Central Alerting System
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The Central Alerting System (CAS) is a web-based cascading system for issuing patient safety alerts, important public health messages and other safety critical information and guidance to the NHS and others, including independent providers of health and social care.

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29/01/2024 - NatPSA/2024/002/NHSPS - Transition to NRFit connectors for intrathecal and epidural procedures, and delivery of regional blocks

An update to this alert was published by NHS England on 28 January 2025 providing guidance on declaring compliance with the alert, and actions to manage patient safety risks where NRFit™ compliant devices are not yet in use for specific procedures – see https://www.england.nhs.uk/publication/national-patient-safety-alert-transition-to-nrfit-connectors-for-intrathecal-and-epidural-procedures-and-delivery-of-regional-blocks/

25/05/2022: We ha ...
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Email: safetyalerts@mhra.gov.uk

Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency