UKHSA surveillance data indicates that influenza is circulating in the community.
While some areas continue to see low levels of influenza activity, surveillance
indicators show that activity is increasing in all levels of care and activity is expected
to increase further over the coming weeks. The most notable changes have been a
significant increase in influenza positivity through laboratory surveillance and an
increase in acute respiratory infection outbreaks with a marked increase in those
with influenza reported, principally in care homes.
Prescribers working in primary care may now prescribe, and community pharmacists
may now supply antiviral medicines (oseltamivir and zanamivir) for the prophylaxis
and treatment of influenza at NHS expense. This is in accordance with NICE
guidance, and Schedule 2 to the National Health Service (General Medical Services
Contracts (Prescription of drugs etc) Regulations 2004), commonly known as the
Grey List or Selected List Scheme (SLS).
Antiviral medicines may be prescribed for patients in clinical at-risk groups as well as
anyone at risk of severe illness and/or complications from influenza if not treated.
Further information can be found in the attached download document.