Originator: |
DHSC & NHS England and Improvement: Supply disruption alert
- Care Trusts
- Mental Health Trusts
- Specialists Trusts
- NHS Regional Offices
- Learning Disabilities Trusts
- Mental Health & Social Care Trusts
- Ambulance Trusts
- Mental Health & Learning Disabilities Trusts
- Acute Trusts
- Community Trusts
- MHRA (Medicines) Drug Alerts (Various Recipients)
- Other contacts
- Independent Healthcare Providers (registered with CAS)
- Clinical Commissioning Groups
- NHS Foundation Trusts (England) - Medical Director
- NHS Foundation Trusts (England) - Chief Executive
- Special Health Authorities
- NHS Trusts (England) - Medical Director
- CMO Urgent Messages - Non-NHS Recipients on Public Health Link
- MHRA (Medicines) Drug Alerts - Non-NHS Recipients
- Territorial CMOs in Northern Ireland, Scotland & Wales
- Regional Directors of Public Health
- Consultants in Communicable Diseases
- CMO Urgent Messages - Recipients on Public Health Link
- Director of Public Health
- NHS Trusts (England) - Chief Executive
- DHSC Supply Disruption - Medicines
Title: |
Propofol emulsion for infusion and injection (all strengths) - Supply disruption
Broadcast content: |
to the significant increase in demand for propofol to support the UK’s COVID-19
response there are limited supplies of high volume propofol presentations, listed
below, in the supply chain: - Propofol
1% 100ml vials;
- Propofol
1% 50ml vials; and
- Propofol
2% 50ml vials.
deliveries are expected over the coming weeks, however intermittent supply
issues across this range of propofol presentations and concentrations are
likely to occur for several weeks.
This alert contains advice on the management of affected patients. Given the links to covid-19 we have sent this alert to a broader mailing list than would usually receive a Supply Disruption Alert of this type.
Additional information: |
This alert is not relevant to Primary Care.
Action underway deadline: |
Action complete deadline: |