Originator: |
MHRA Medical Device Alerts
- Care Trusts
- Mental Health Trusts
- Specialists Trusts
- NHS Regional Offices
- Learning Disabilities Trusts
- Mental Health & Social Care Trusts
- Ambulance Trusts
- Mental Health & Learning Disabilities Trusts
- Acute Trusts
- Community Trusts
- Other contacts
- Independent Healthcare Providers (registered with CAS)
- Clinical Commissioning Groups
- Social Care Providers (registered with CAS)
- Special Health Authorities
Title: |
Pagewriter Cardiographs (TC20/30/50/70) manufactured before 20 November 2018 and Efficia Monitors (CM10/12/100/120/150) manufactured before 25 October 2018 – risk of batteries overheating or igniting
Broadcast content: |
Manufactured by Philips – this problem affects lithium ion batteries that have exceeded their specified replacement interval or number of charging cycles.
Additional information: |
NHS England Regional offices: do not cascade to primary care.
Action underway deadline: |
Action complete deadline: |