Originator: |
NHS Improvement Estates and Facilities
- Care Trusts
- Mental Health Trusts
- Specialists Trusts
- NHS Regional Offices
- Learning Disabilities Trusts
- Mental Health & Social Care Trusts
- Ambulance Trusts
- Mental Health & Learning Disabilities Trusts
- Acute Trusts
- Community Trusts
- Other contacts
- Independent Healthcare Providers (registered with CAS)
- Clinical Commissioning Groups
- Social Care Providers (registered with CAS)
- Special Health Authorities
Title: |
Portable fans in health and social care facilities: risk of cross infection
Broadcast content: |
Portable fans used in clinical areas have been linked to cross infection in health and social care facilities. Each use and reuse should be clinically risk assessed. Local procurement, cleaning, decontamination and maintenance policies must be produced and kept under review.
Additional information: |
Do not cascade to primary care
Action underway deadline: |
Action complete deadline: |