Central Alerting System
View Alert

Originator: NHS Improvement

From: James Nicholls

Issue date: 08-Aug-2018 14:09:02

This alert has been issued to:
  • Care Trusts
  • Mental Health Trusts
  • Specialists Trusts
  • NHS Regional Offices
  • Learning Disabilities Trusts
  • Mental Health & Social Care Trusts
  • Ambulance Trusts
  • Mental Health & Learning Disabilities Trusts
  • Acute Trusts
  • Community Trusts

  • Other contacts
  • Independent Healthcare Providers (registered with CAS)
  • Clinical Commissioning Groups
  • Special Health Authorities

Action category: Immediate Action

Title: Resources to support the safe and timely management of hyperkalaemia (high level of potassium in the blood)

Broadcast content: The way the body responds to hyperkalaemia – a higher than normal level of potassium in the blood – is unpredictable; arrhythmias and cardiac arrest can occur without warning. It is potentially a life-threatening emergency. Timely identification, treatment and monitoring, during and beyond initial treatment is essential.

This alert signposts to resources on the NHS Improvement website that can help organisations ensure their clinical staff have easily accessible information to guide prompt investigation, treatment and monitoring options.

Additional information: NHS regional teams - please cascade this alert to GPs. Can you please include the following in your covering email to general practice: 'This alert has actions for general practice, including that team members have guidance to support the right response to any blood test results indicating hyperkalaemia, and ensuring hyperkalaemia is recognised as a potentially life-threatening emergency. The resources linked to from the alert include a short awareness-raising video for general practice staff, and links to clinical guidance for hyperkalaemia in adults and children.'

Alert reference: NHS/PSA/RE/2018/006

Action underway deadline: 13-Aug-2018

Action complete deadline: 08-May-2019


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Email: safetyalerts@mhra.gov.uk

Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency