Originator: |
DHSC Supply Disruption Alert
- Care Trusts
- Mental Health Trusts
- Specialists Trusts
- NHS Regional Offices
- Learning Disabilities Trusts
- Mental Health & Social Care Trusts
- Ambulance Trusts
- Mental Health & Learning Disabilities Trusts
- Acute Trusts
- Community Trusts
- MHRA (Medicines) Drug Alerts (Various Recipients)
- Other contacts
- Independent Healthcare Providers (registered with CAS)
- Clinical Commissioning Groups
- Social Care Providers (registered with CAS)
- MHRA (Medicines) Drug Alerts - Non-NHS Recipients
- GP - Locum
- GP Practices
Title: |
Ranitidine: all oral formulations. Supply disruption.
Broadcast content: |
All oral formulations of ranitidine are shortly anticipated to be out of stock until further notice.
This alert provides healthcare professionals with advice on the management of patients currently taking ranitidine.
Additional information: |
NHS Regional Offices: please cascade this alert to Community Pharmacy.
Action underway deadline: |
Action complete deadline: |