From: |
Dr June Raine, Director, Vigilance and Risk Management of Medicines
- NHS Regional Offices
- NHS Foundation Trusts (England) - Medical Director
- NHS Foundation Trusts (England) - Chief Executive
- NHS Trusts (England) - Medical Director
- Territorial CMOs in Northern Ireland, Scotland & Wales
- Regional Directors of Public Health
- CMO Urgent Messages - Recipients on Public Health Link
- NHS Trusts (England) - Chief Executive
- MHRA (Medicines) Drug Alerts (Various Recipients)
- Other contacts
- Independent Healthcare Providers (registered with CAS)
- Clinical Commissioning Groups
- Social Care Providers (registered with CAS)
- Special Health Authorities
- MHRA (Medicines) Drug Alerts - Non-NHS Recipients
Action category: |
Non urgent (cascade within 3 days)
Title: |
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT): further information on the known increased risk of breast cancer with HRT and its persistence after stopping
Broadcast content: |
This alert contains information on the known increased risk of breast cancer with HRT and its persistence after stopping.
New data have confirmed that the risk of breast cancer is increased during use of all types of HRT, except vaginal estrogens, and have also shown that an excess risk of breast cancer persists for longer after stopping HRT than previously thought.
Prescribers of HRT should discuss the updated total risk with women using HRT at their next routine appointment. Resources are provided to assist with this discussion. A Drug Safety Update article is also available on the MHRA’s website to support this alert.
Additional information: |
This information is relevant to all prescribers of HRT, particularly those working in endocrinology and women's health departments. Please also cascade for information to oncology departments.
NHS England Regional Offices: please cascade to general practice and community pharmacy. Please include the following text when sharing with GPs: All GPs, nurses and staff should be aware of new information about breast cancer risk with hormone replacement therapy. Prescribers are asked to discuss the new information with women who use HRT or are considering starting HRT at their next routine appointment.
Cascade to: |
- #GP#
- #HospitalPharmacy#